Data types
The CIDL defines three forms of data types. A developer can cover all available use cases through these.
Data types in the CIDL are all specified in lowercase, except for custom-defined types.
Native Types: These are primitive data types like u32
, bool
, string
, etc. It is important to note that what is
a primitive type in the context of the CIDL may not be a primitive type in the generated version.
Extended Types: Built-in extended types implemented by Código like sol:pubkey
, sol:merkle_tree
, and others.
These data types can be specific to a programming language, blockchain, or a particular form of handling them.
Types: These are the custom types defined by a developer. In this document, we will cover everything related to native and extended data types. For custom-defined types read more here
The following table is a comprehensive list of the supported native types by the CIDL.
Data Type | Length | Attributes |
u8 | 8-bit unsigned integer | |
u16 | 16-bit unsigned integer | |
u32 | 32-bit unsigned integer | |
u64 | 64-bit unsigned integer | |
u128 | 128-bit unsigned integer | |
i8 | 8-bit signed integer | |
i16 | 16-bit signed integer | |
i32 | 32-bit signed integer | |
i64 | 64-bit signed integer | |
i128 | 128-bit signed integer | |
f32 | 32-bit signed float | |
f64 | 64-bit signed float | |
bool | 1 bit | |
string | Depends on the targeted blockchain | cap |
The following table is a comprehensive list of the supported extended types by the CIDL.
Data Types | Length | Attributes | Comments |
array | Depends on the targeted blockchain | cap | |
sol:pubkey | 32 bytes | Type specific to the Solana blockchain. Transpiles to Pubkey data type. | |
sol:account<T?, seeds.K?> | It depends | sol:writable sol:init sol:init_if_needed sol:close sol:close_uncheck sol:space sol:owner sol:address sol:rent-payer sol:rent-receiver sol:uncheck_account | Type specific to the Solana blockchain. T is the name of a custom-defined type, it can be omitted with underscored _ . K is the name of a seed definition. T and K can reference imported CIDLs in the form of ref.type_name , where ref is the value set in the imports |
sol:merkle_tree | It depends | sol:init sol:init_if_needed sol:authority sol:canopy cap | Type specific to the Solana blockchain. Transpiles to AccountInfo data type with the owner set to the account compression program. |
is in WIP
In the below examples, certain keywords are omitted so the attribute can stand out
Multiple attributes can be combined to achieve the desired behavior. Learning how to combine them is the complex part of the CIDL.
Attributes that require a value i.e. cap
, sol:owner
, etc. are set with the assignment operator =
a.k.a. equal
Attributes that are prefixed with sol:
are only applicable to the Solana blockchain.
The cap=\d+
(capacity) attribute defines the maximum length/size of a type. The capacity attribute is required
for string
, array
, and sol:merkle_tree
when creating the account, read more about
- name: product_name
type: string
attributes: [ cap=36 ]
- name: rating
type: array<u8>
attributes: [ cap=5 ]
- name: initialize_merkle_tree
- name: merkle_tree
type: sol:merkle_tree
attributes: [ cap=100000000 ]
The sol:writable
attribute sets the is_writable
property of an account to true
. If omitted, the account will
be read-only, you can read more about read-only here. This attribute
is only applicable to sol:account<T?, K?>
- name: transfer_funds_from_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:writable ]
The sol:init
attribute generates the code to do a CPI call to the create_account method of the Solana SystemProgram.
Methods that have input with this attribute can only be called once per account, otherwise, it will throw a Solana
runtime error because it will try to create an account that's already created. This attribute
is only applicable to sol:account<T?, K?>
and sol:merkle_tree
- name: create_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:init ]
The sol:init_if_needed
attribute behaves how sol:init
does, with the difference that before trying to create the
account it will check if the account is already created. Thus, avoiding the Solana runtime error.
This can sound convenient, but take special care because this can open the possibility of Reinitialization attacks. A reinitialization attack is when the data of your account is reset to the initial/default state.
- name: create_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:init_if_needed ]
The sol:close
attribute generates the code to close an account. An account is closed when the account's data is
zeroed out, all the lamports are withdrawn, and the Solana runtime garbage collects the account. This attribute is only
applicable to sol:account<T?, K?>
and sol:merkle_tree
- name: close_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:close ]
The sol:close_uncheck
attribute behaves how sol:close
does, with the difference that if the account is a Non-PDA
account it WILL NOT set the account as a signer. To understand this behavior, first, we need to understand that in
Solana, accounts can only be modified by their owner, Solana doesn't enforce that a Non-PDA account requires to be a signer when closing it.
Take special care when using this attribute, otherwise, you will be open to a vulnerability where an attacker can pass any account owned by your program and close it.
Non-PDA accounts are those accounts where K is not defined. sol:account<T?, K?>
This attribute is only applicable to Non-PDA accounts.
- name: close_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:close_uncheck ]
The sol:space=\d+
attribute defines the size of the account. This attribute is only applicable when an account is being
created, either by using the sol:init
or sol:init_if_needed
attribute. This
attribute can be omitted when sol:account<T?, K?>
defined T
If your account defined a layout sol:account<MyCustomType>
you can omit this attribute, since the space
will be automatically calculated.
This attribute doesn't affect sol:merkle_tree
data type, since the calculation for a merkle tree is different
from other accounts.
- name: title
type: string
attributes: [ cap=36 ]
- name: creating_accounts
- name: mint
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:init, sol:space=82 ]
- name: metadata
type: sol:account<Metadata>
attributes: [ sol:init_if_needed ] # sol:space omitted because it will be inferred from the Metadata type
The sol:space
attribute will generate the following check for the method creating_accounts
. If the account
defined a layout, the space will be automatically calculated.
For the Anchor framework 8 additional bytes are added to the space to take into account the Anchor discriminator
- Native
- Anchor
pub fn process_creating_accounts(/* ... */) -> ProgramResult {
if mint_info.data_len() != 82usize {
return Err(CounterError::InvalidAccountLen.into());
if metadata_info.data_len() != 40usize {
return Err(CounterError::InvalidAccountLen.into());
pub struct CreatingAccounts<'info> {
// ...
/// CHECK: implement manual checks if needed
pub mint: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
pub metadata: Account<'info, Metadata>,
// ...
The sol:owner=Pubkey|self
attribute defines the owner of an account, by default all account owner will be set
to self, where self is the program id passed by the Solana runtime when executing the program. If an account requires
to set another owner, it can do so by assigning a literal Pubkey.
- name: transfer_fund_from_wallet
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:owner=11111111111111111111111111111111 ]
- name: delegate
type: sol:account
The sol:owner
attribute will generate the following security check for the method transfer_fund_from_wallet
- Native
- Anchor
pub fn process_transfer_fund_from_wallet(/* ... */) -> ProgramResult {
if *wallet_info.owner != Pubkey::from_str("11111111111111111111111111111111").unwrap() {
return Err(CounterError::WrongAccountOwner.into());
if *delegate_info.owner != *program_id {
return Err(CounterError::WrongAccountOwner.into());
pub struct TransferFundFromWallet<'info> {
// ...
/// CHECK: implement manual checks if needed
pub wallet: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: implement manual checks if needed
pub delegate: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
// ...
The sol:address=Pubkey
attribute defines the exact address an account must have. The value assigned must be a literal
- name: account_with_custom_address
- name: account
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:address=24PNhTaNtomHhoy3fTRaMhAFCRj4uHqhZEEoWrKDbR5p ]
The sol:address
attribute will generate the following security check for the method account_with_custom_address
- Native
- Anchor
pub fn process_account_with_custom_address(/* ... */) -> ProgramResult {
if *account_info.key != Pubkey::from_str("24PNhTaNtomHhoy3fTRaMhAFCRj4uHqhZEEoWrKDbR5p").unwrap() {
return Err(CounterError::NotExpectedAddress.into());
pub struct AccountWithCustomAddress<'info> {
/// CHECK: implement manual checks if needed
pub account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
The sol:rent-payer=input_name|signer_name
attribute defines which account will be paying the rent when an
account. This attribute is only applicable when an account is being created, either by using the
or sol:init_if_needed
attribute. By default, the rent payer will be
the first signer of the method, to override this behavior we need to assign the name of a signer or an input,
where this input is a solana account.
If the rent payer points to an input, this input will be a signer.
Example, where rent payer points to an input
- name: create_account
- name: account
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:init, sol:rent-payer=wallet ]
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
Example, where rent payer points to a signer
- name: create_account
- name: fee_payer
type: sol:account
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
- name: account
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:init_if_needed, sol:rent-payer=wallet ]
The sol:rent-receiver=input_name|signer_name
attribute defines which account will be receiving the lamports the
account holds. This attribute is only applicable when an account is being closed, either by using the
or sol:close_uncheck
attribute. By default, the rent receiver will be
the first signer of the method, to override this behavior we need to assign the name of a signer or an input,
where this input is a solana account.
The input or signer to which the rent receiver points to will be marked as writable
Example, where the rent receiver points to an input
- name: create_account
- name: account
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:close, sol:rent-receiver=wallet ]
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
Example, where rent receiver points to a signer
- name: create_account
- name: fee_payer
type: sol:account
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
- name: account
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:close_uncheck, sol:rent-receiver=wallet ]
The sol:uncheck_account
attribute tells the generator to NOT generate any ownership or address checks. There
some cases where the owner or address of the account is unknown. This attribute exists for those cases, usually, this
case will be presented when you are building a program that will be called from another program (CPI).
Take special care with this attribute, and only use it, if you really know what you are doing.
- name: unknown_owner
- name: owner
type: sol:account
attributes: [ sol:uncheck_account ]
The sol:authority=input_name|signer_name
attribute is only applicable to the sol:merkle_tree
data type. It tells
the generator which account has the authority to modify a merkle tree account. To learn about this check the guide
Solana State Compression. By default, the authority will be the first signer.
Example, where authority points to an input
- name: create_account
- name: account
type: sol:merkle_tree
attributes: [ sol:authority=wallet ]
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
Example, where authority points to a signer
- name: create_account
- name: fee_payer
type: sol:account
- name: wallet
type: sol:account
- name: account
type: sol:merkle_tree
attributes: [ sol:authority=wallet ]
The sol:canopy=\d+
attribute is only applicable to the sol:merkle_tree
data type. It tells
the generator which is the canopy of the merkle tree. To learn about this check the guide
Solana State Compression. By default, the authority will be the first signer.
- name: state_compression
- name: account
type: sol:merkle_tree
attributes: [ sol:canopy=7 ]
Next steps
Now you have learned about the supported data types, the next step is to learn where to use them and how to combine them to achieve the desire solution. For that you can continue your learning path in the following links:
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